Page 3 - World Explorer 6 książka nauczyciela
P. 3

Ask the students to write about their means of
It is possible to use a laptop computer communication with friends and family in their
everywhere. There isn t any electricity notebook. Tell them to use Exercise 3 as the basis for their
out here, but this woman has a solar
battery charger. It uses the energy writing. Write some ideas on the board to help them,
from the sun to make power.
Technology is amazing, isn t it? such as:
Computer communicate with friends and relatives, social
media like Facebook
Mobile phone text message friends, call family
Landline ring family
Letter write to relatives or friends
Point out that ring family means the same as call or
phone somebody, whether it is on a landline or mobile
phone. Explain they should include all four means of
communication, even if they do not use them. They
should write why they do not use them. Collect their
notebooks in the next lesson to mark.







Exercise 3 nstratio
Ask the students: How often do you talk on a landline? Do you text alk on a landline? Do you texa landline? Do you t
e? How often do you send often do you se
message or phone friends on your mobile? How often do you send
ge a class discussion about ass discussion
emails? Do you ever write a letter? Encourage a class discussion about
which one they use or do the most to communicate with their tration
unicate with theirte with their
family or friends. Then invite the students to work with a friend, read ation
ork with a friend, rewith a friend, re
the items in the box and tell each other three sentences using the
tences using tences usin
sentence structures: I use to talk to . and I to communicate
with . on
When f nished, have a quick class vote to f nd out which means of
communication is the most popular with the students, and which is
the least popular. Invite students to tell you why, for example, they
prefer text messaging to sending emails.
Extra Activity
Conduct a class survey by asking students what they use the Internet
for and write their answers as headings on the board. Then ask what
their favourite websites are and write the website names on the
board. Add the heading Where on the board, and ask the students
to say whether they use the Internet at school, home, at a relatives
house, a friends house, and so on. Ask students for a show of hands
to see how many students fall into each category. Write the number
of answers on the board as students respond. Write the total number
of students in the class on the board and the percentage of students
under each category. Ask the students if they are surprised how
many or how few students visit each website or do certain things
online. Encourage everyone to express their opinion.
Unit 1 Keep in touch 23

© National Geographic Learning

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